Meet the #WRA22 judges

Posted 2022

Meet our judges for the 2022 Women’s Recognition Awards – and find out what they’re looking for in this year’s applicants.

Through the Women's Recognition Awards we aim to make the financial services industry a welcoming space for women, one in which they are given the opportunities and tools to thrive in their respective industries.

Our judges for the Women's Recognition Awards 2022 consists of a panel of experts in their disciplines. We thoughtfully hand-pick our judges, guaranteeing that whatever your category, our judges will be well-equipped to pick out the worthiest winners.

We spoke to this year's judges to gain insight into what will be motivating their decisions and what inspired them to judge this year's Women's Recognition Awards.

Claire Taddei

Claire Taddei - Chief Financial Officer, Mortgage Advice Bureau

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

The most positive change I have noticed since joining the industry 20 years ago has been seeing more woman in management positions, this encourages other women to go for similar positions.

Diversity and inclusion are vital in a growing business and broadens the improvement of the business.

It can also increase employee satisfaction, which in turn makes businesses more attractive to potential candidates.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

Although I personally have seen more women move into management positions, in financial services women still make up less than a quarter of senior promotions so we have a long way to go.

I would like to see diversity and inclusion being at the forefront of businesses strategy and targets being met.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

A passionate, positive, and inspirational person who leads from the front and has a clear purpose and desire to motivate, move and inspire others to deliver.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

Awards are a great way to show that someone is valued and recognised for their hard work and a chance to celebrate outstanding accomplishments.

Recognition inspires others to strive for excellence and is a great way of celebrating success.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

I would like to win a role model award. In my role I have a responsibility to support the development of those around me.

I'm passionate about engendering belief in others so if I can make a difference to a peer, colleague, or my children it would bring me great satisfaction.

Alison Pallett

Alison Pallett, Managing Director – Sales, LiveMore Capital

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

The fact that we are all talking about this and see lots of articles on the subject matter, of course raising awareness is one thing, but we still need more positive outcomes.

I see a lot of people talking very earnestly about this particularly around IWD – then nothing further.

In the same way we have to be honest about greenwashing, we also have to be honest and more consistent about women in financial services being given more/same opportunities.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

The gender pay gap, is a thing of the past, because we've closed it out.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

Somebody who is passionate about their work, demonstrates a high level of knowledge and competency, has the confidence to talk freely about the challenges they face, helping other to overcome them

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

Simply put, you have to be in it to win it!

As women we can certainly learn from some of our male colleagues in terms of having the confidence to back ourselves, if we don't, how can you expect other to, you'll be a long time waiting for others to notice your standout contribution.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

More women should be recognised in the Mainstream mortgage awards, outstanding industry contribution etc – so a clean sweep of those would be a good start!

Roland McCormack

Roland McCormack, Mortgage Distribution Director, TSB

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

Gender diversity has transformed from when I started in 1994. Still a way to go, especially at very senior levels, but seeing the talent in TSB and other businesses, I am optimistic for the future.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

Greater focus on social mobility especially amongst BAME.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?


Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

We need strong role models that others can identify with and this is a brilliant way of doing this.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

Have failed over the years to learn Italian despite trying every conceivable method, an award for my spoken Italian. About as much chance as that happening as winning award for best newcomer in the mortgage industry.

Vicky Churcher

Vicky Churcher, Intermediary Director, AIG Life

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

Women are taken a lot more seriously. I have been particularly encouraged recently about the open conversations around the menopause and how that affects not just women in their careers but those around them.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

I would like to see a more collaborative approach in the industry with regards promoting the benefits of protection and the importance of ensuring families and individuals are protected from what life may throw at them.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?


Someone who is not afraid to trailblaze and who looks at the wider picture, not just what's in it for them.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

If they are trail blazing or really working to help others or know someone who has those traits, they should nominate.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

Leaving a positive legacy in the Protection world.

Helen Harrison

Helen Harrison, Head of Intermediary Distribution, Santander

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

As I am a member of forums such as DIFF, IMLA & L&G it is great to see so many colleagues from the industry working together with a common purpose of raising awareness and discussing key issues.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

Everyday inclusion and gender parity for all roles within our industry.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

A woman who leads by example, radiates passion and empowers others around her to follow.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

I believe we should openly celebrate women who are role models and make significant contributions to our industry to both recognise their achievements and inspire others.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

Star baker!

Alun Benyon

Alun Benyon - Head of Distribution, Scottish Widows

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

I joined the industry in 1984, so change has been a constant over that time, with the evolving legislative and regulatory framework driving improved levels of professionalism and this evolutionary process will continue.

A professional industry has to be diverse and inclusive, and looking back to 1984 I can see the extent of progress made perhaps in ways that more recent entrants can't.

I don't believe in erasing history; I believe in learning from history.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

I would hope to see the narrative move to a position of "it is not what you are, but it is what you can do that counts" - if this happens then that will reflect great progress.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

An action orientated individual – I give more credence to a do-er rather than a say-er.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

Because they believe in the social value of what they or their colleague are doing. For example, in the world of protection our products are not aspirational so its takes commitment and belief in the value of the product to convince customers of their worth.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?


Mike Farrell

Mike Farrell, Protection Sales Director, LV=

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

I joined the industry over 30 years ago so there has been some improvement when it comes to equality & diversity. It has been a very positive development to see a greater diversity in more leadership levels across providers and distributors. There is still a long way to go but at least the change has started.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

A greater acceleration in the rate of change when it comes to equality & diversity in our industry so that we are seen as being the most inclusive industry in the UK.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

I would be looking for someone who stands out from the crowd. Perhaps they have been brave or innovative in the way that they have delivered improved customer outcomes.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

We should be looking to celebrate success and recognise individuals at every opportunity so I would encourage everyone to have a think about who would be a fitting recipient for this award and of course consider themselves.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

I am a very proud Dad of two fantastic daughters. They are amazing and have taught me so much over the years about so many different things so how about an award for the dad who listened the most...

Andrew Dean

Andrew Dean, Head of Intermediary Support & New Build, Nationwide

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

The profile of D&I - our industry is barely recognisable from the one I joined over 17 years ago from an equality & diversity perspective. The momentum that's built over recent months to shine a light on the importance of an inclusive and diverse sector is there for all to see. Greater collaboration has led to lenders, distributors and trade bodies coming together like never before tackling some of the uncomfortable truths.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

I think we're already witnessing a paradigm shift in attitudes; we have seen for example a movement to far more women in Senior roles across our industry. This needs to continue, but we're still underrepresented in the breadth of ethnicity and LGBT across the industry and that's where I'd like see meaningful change.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

Someone that's been a role model and inspiration to their colleagues and customers, standing tall with authenticity and purpose, able to demonstrate how they've made a difference.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

We should be proud of the difference we make in facilitating one of life's biggest events, owning a home. Recognising the outstanding work undertaken by the women within our brilliant industry is essential for inspiring more future roles models.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

Ha, tough one, but as one of the most self-deprecating people you'll meet I struggle with this… in all honesty I do genuinely glean far more satisfaction from seeing my team, a member of it or the organisation I represent being recognised and up for awards.

Sophie Mitchell-Charman

Sophie Mitchell-Charman, Lendinvest

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

When I joined the industry, it was a very male orientated world, I was originally on a team of 22 and I was one of 2 females and all of the managerial positions were held by men. I especially saw that when I moved into the pension and investment world, where 99% of the IFAs I saw and spoke to were from a different era and the mentality was difficult to believe. I have genuinely seen that shift and for that to become a thing of the past and for that attitude and sexist vibe being rightly shamed and red flagged. It has moved on in leaps and bounds in the last 16 years I have been in this industry. I see more and more successful, influential women thriving at the top and making a difference in the industry.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

I want to see the industry move to 50 / 50 men and women split where we are all seen as equal. It will happen, we are getting closer every day.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

A woman who is supporting other women and is proud of her success.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

Do you ever look in the mirror and think, I did well, I'm proud I achieved that, I really helped that person or I made real difference? You deserve to be recognised.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

If I could win any award, it would be for helping others achieve their goals. Building people up and supporting others to succeed is so important.

Martin Reynolds

Martin Reynolds, SimplyBiz

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

The positive profile that we are now seeing in relation to D&I is a pleasure to see. Previously it felt like a murmur in the industry but it is now most definitely a roar. The AMI Viewpoint in relation to D&I I feel will be seen as a watershed moment for positive change.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

The most positive change we could see is that we are not talking about it so explicitly as it becomes the norm that the industry has embraced it fully. Realistically this will take more than five years so for me seeing that all companies have a clear D&I policy and that people feel comfortable to be who they are will be a great step forward.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

I will be looking for someone that has shown that whatever sector of the market they work in they have become a shining example to others of what is achievable.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

People should get recognised for what they have achieved and irrespective of the size of the company that they work for we should celebrate this as an industry.

Niki Cooke

Niki Cooke, Twenty7Tec

What's one positive change you've seen in the way financial services approaches equality & diversity since you joined the industry?

I joined Financial Services straight from school, many years ago! The increasing number of women on boards in financial services has been exciting to witness, providing balance and holding a strong considered voice, enabling great role models for men and women alike.

...and what positive change would you like to see in the next 5 years?

Seemingly taboo subjects such as menopause is now something than can be vocalised and women can share their experiences further. This and the exposure of other subjects should be normalised over the next 5 years.

In one sentence, tell us what you'll be looking for in a winning #WRA22 applicant?

A great role model to their peers, demonstrating a strong passion for what they do and how they make a real difference in what they deliver.

Why should the person reading this nominate themselves or someone else for an award in the #WRA22?

To show recognition for the achievements and huge difference they/you have made. Be proud of what you have achieved, do not hesitate in shouting about it. Stand back and reflect, you will see how truly amazing you are.

If you could win an award for anything at all, what would it be?

Simply, making a positive impact on peers, friends and family! Also, I would like to go on Britain's Got Talent with my Aussie Doodle, Koda and win a dancing award! :-)

To learn more about the Women's Recognition Awards and get involved visit