#WRA24 - The Impact of Winning

Posted 2024

We spoke to some of our previous winners about the impact that winning a Women’s Recognition Award has had on them.

This year at the Women’s Recognition Awards, we’re asking applicants to think about their impact on the industry, through both their day-to-day roles and their approach to DEI. At the same time, we wanted to ask the same question of ourselves, so we spoke to some of our previous winners about the impact that winning a Women’s Recognition Award has had on them. Here’s what they had to say:

Catherine Green, Mortgage Advice Bureau

It was an honour to win the award and it made me feel like I was doing a good job. It gave me more confidence and enabled me to share the award in our office and across our social media platforms.

Caroline Mirakian, United Trust Bank

It was amazing and a huge honour to be recognised amongst a room full of women who have achieved so much and are all winners. It has impacted me personally- helped reduce some of my huge devil on my shoulder - imposter syndrome- which eats me up on a daily basis. Work perspective it has made me more confident to speak up and support other women be the very best version they can be through mentoring etc.

Nakita Moss, Twenty7tec

Winning a Women’s Recognition Award felt incredibly empowering. It was a moment of acknowledgment not just for my individual achievements, but also for the collective efforts of women in the mortgage industry. Knowing that my contributions have been recognised within a community dedicated to supporting and uplifting women was humbling. It instilled a sense of pride and reinforced the importance of representation and diversity in our field.

Winning this award has fuelled my determination to continue breaking barriers and advocating for gender equality in the workplace. It had profound impact on me both personally and professionally. On a personal level, it reaffirmed my belief in the value of my contributions and the importance of representation for women in traditionally male-dominated industries like the mortgage sector. It boosted my confidence and sense of self-worth, knowing that my efforts were not only noticed but also celebrated. Professionally, the award provided validation for the hard work and dedication I've invested in my career.

Christine Newell, Paradigm Mortgage Services

It felt really good although the year I won was 2020 and it was during lockdown so the awards were online so you didn't get the event atmosphere in the same way, but it was a great feeling to have been recognised. It has inspired me to help other women in the industry to believe in their skills and to coax more women to apply for more senior positions where relevant and to not be afraid of not being capable. I firmly believe that empowered women, empower women.

Rachel East, KR Group

It felt fantastic, to be recognised for all the hard work over the years meant so much to me. I also had my mentor with me at the table and their face made my day! Having this award has platformed my credibility within the industry - to be recognized by the industry’s best is incredibly powerful.

Lauren Fuller, NatWest Group

I was so shocked! I had applied for a few years but never been shortlisted, so I was delighted to be shortlisted in 2022 it was even better when I was announced as the winner on the night! It was amazing to get recognition of all the hard work I had put into both mortgages but also DEI.

Not long after winning the award I got a promotion but also been headhunted by another company who were really interested by my award win!

Lynne Gadsden, Eight Wealth Management

A real acknowledgement of my 30 years career as a Financial Planner and a bit of a shock to be honest!

It was the middle of the pandemic and held online so it was all a bit surreal receiving an award whilst watching it online in my kitchen!! But it was quite amusing as we had to take a video beforehand of us winning and one of my clients had suggested I dress up in an evening dress so there I was videoing it at 8am in the morning with a long blue evening dress and drinking a glass of champagne!! When I posted that picture on LinkedIn it went mad with over 45,000 views and people still comment on it!! I believe I was the first winner from St. James's Place and many more advisers and staff have gone onto enter and win so I was extremely proud to have won but also to have encouraged so many other women to enter. It also made me acknowledge that the care I give to my clients over all the years was truly worth shouting about and to be Financial Adviser of the Year 2020 (South East) is still one of my proudest moments.

Katie White, Attivo

It was a feeling of immense recognition for hard work in this area. It raised my profile in later life.

Tiba Raja, Market Financial Solutions

It felt great to be acknowledged amongst such a talented pool of emerging, ambitious, and diverse women. I feel incredibly proud. Being recognised, both individually and as a company, has been truly rewarding. It has made me reflect on what I’ve accomplished, but also how I can utilize what I have learned to further enhance my team, so we can grow and excel together.

Applications and nominations for the 2024 Women’s Recognition Awards are still open until 21st June, after which time you’ll have until 28th June to finish any outstanding applications. These responses showed us that winning can have a huge impact, so if you want to put yourself or someone you know forward for an award, head to our home page to get started today!